Wednesday 2 February 2011

the beginning of my wampy ramblings...

My name is Keeky Mikey.

I've set this up as a outlet to keep a record of what goes through my mind, a sort of visual representation of my research and experiences for the projects I'm working on.

Currently I'm starting work on a new CLUB: WAMPY event. This all started out during my college days in Kendal(2009) when the band I had joined got offered the opportunity to take on the local jam night at Dickie Doodles and make it our own. From this a few of us started to put on gigs and book our bands to play in more adventurous destinations.

(Poster design by Tim Sinfield)
Whilst in my first year of university in Derby (2010), me and some other debauched pioneers set up a band night that we held at a few different venues in Derby, getting bands from various locations around the U.K to play gigs gaining us valuable experience in events management.

(Poster design by Adam Marchant)
We wanted to step things up, go to the next level. We were contacting booking agents asking for prices for all sorts of bands. One band we got excited about was Chickenhawk but sadly due to contractual issues we couldn't book them. I went a bit daft and enquired how much it would cost to book the Butthole Surfers, £13K was a tad to much for us. Then we fell on our feet and confirmed Cookie Monsta, thanks to my partner in crime Calum Coleman. The event was going to be held at Bootleggers, it was set to be the stepping stone for us to move onto bigger projects.

That got cancelled due to financial problems, so basically I'm ready to try again. Now looking into location, acts, artists and equipment to get a new WAMPY event sorted out, more info asap.

(photo by Rachelle Bell)
As well as working on CLUB:WAMPY, I'm looking to develop a dedicated and committed band with like minded people. I have a lot of gigging experience and have enjoyed success in a few projects, as well as recently acquiring my grade 8 drums and currently in the 2nd year of my degree. I am involved in a couple of new bands at the moment but nothing is cemented, the most concrete position(apart from Rampant Foetus)I have is a position as drummer in an upcoming wedding and small events band.

Here's a few of my main influences below, if you know anyone in a similar position get em in contact with me;

Looking forward to this weekend where I am off to see the Seven Seals gig at the Brewery. And hopefully by next week I'll have made some progress on both WAMPY & new band, fingers crossed.
That's enough for this post lots of stuff to get done, off to watch;
(Maniac Cop, 1988)

Mikey =p

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