Monday 28 February 2011


"If at first an idea isn't absurd, there is no hope for it." - Albert Einstein. probably one of my favourite quotes, helps me feel cosy with what ever I do.

One of my main musical influences (the Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster) split up after their 2010 tour, due to the actions both on and off stage of their lead guitarist Tristan McLenahan. Although I can't find any information about whether they plan to re-form or not, or even if it is all because of Tristan this video shows him making an arse of himself. At the very Start Guy Mcknight can be seen mockingly mimicking Tristan, its hilarious! and again at 2 minutes 45 seconds, Tristan shows off, the band give him a look of death! Worth a watch. I hadn't seen this video until last week, but had heard rumours of the split.

(Video edited by me, Music by N. J. Apostol)
This trailer is for a university festival we as second years have to run to showcase the third year students. For more information on the upcoming UCLan Production Line festival check out the Facebook event page, or if your a twitter user I'm running a profile for the event there to. There will be a official website up and running soon, keep trying this link until it works somewhere in the near future(whenever the uni put it back up). We intend to make this years production line festival something to look forward to. It's spread over 2 full days (21st-22nd May) blah, blah, blah.

Went to see Reel Big Fish on 22/02/11 at 53 Degrees. It was well fun, Skanking around with everyone. The Skints played in support and they played a blinder. Made me realise how much I miss gigging. 

After an insane amount of e-mails (talking with booking agents) efforts to book Mad Sin & The Creepshow for the upcoming Wampy have been unsuccessful. The Creepshow we're booked up whilst in the UK, as for Mad Sin the agent was requesting far to much money. So I scratched my cranium and wondered where to try next, Peter and the Test Tube Babies popped onto my iPod so I thought what the hell I'll give it a bash. Got in touch with them and so far things are looking good, I've got e-mail confirmation from the band just need to agree on a booking fee now and we can get promoting this mo'fo! There may be another event in the pipeline as well waiting on the headliner, they haven't confirmed any details yet so save that for the next blog (fingers crossed).

(Poster by me)
As for the music projects I'm working on, mine and Zannes skin graft documentary score is going well, we've made four different versions of the piece now each completely different so the client has more choice. The wedding band I mentioned has turned into a dead duck, so meh! Rampant Foetus may have a new member, more on that when I know the crack. Got excitement built up for a potential flower punk band (think the Mothers Of Invention) as well, hopefully that kicks off soon. Me and Winst have also had some encouraging feedback from the adverts we placed on, currently looking for locations to jam, aiming to begin jamming in May, if anyone is interested please don't hesitate to contact us. 

Chu got me book this for valentine's day, it's proper blagging! I thought it would be a laugh on how to survive the fictional undead. Instead this book trys to convince you that the living dead do actually exist and that the government's of the world have just been covering up the small outbreaks everywhere (apparently since pre-historic man). As if this wasn't all blagging enough it goes on to say that the undead will take over soon and goes through a lot of scenarios explaining why our military forces and polices forces are useless when the undead rise. It's funny as the 'experts' employed to analyse the scenarios have all asked to remain anonymous, the authors claim that zombies are real is bat shit crazy. Anyone heard of zombiology before? me neither, dam head fuck! Fun read though.  

(House, 1977)
Gonna watch this treat that Mr. Teasdale introduced me to, it's fecking brilliant pianos chew on fingers in this beast and that's probably the most sane thing that happens in the entire film;

(p.s Also just set up a personal Twitter page so if anyone is on there holla at me)

(p.p.s Show support to Nathan Fillion in attaining the rights to Firefly here)

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Take note

(artwork by Adam Marchant)

Concerning the projects I'm working on, me and Winst are currently advertising on Joinmyband & bandmix for a guitarist or bassist with the same level of dedication we have. Help us out by spreading those links around we are really committed to this project so any help would be greatly appreciated.

(p.s I will have another post up asap with more details on CLUB:WAMPY & Rampant Foetus.Currently really busy got no time arrgghh.)


Saturday 12 February 2011

Charming but Icky

It's been interesting. I've had my bath tub try and exit the flat through the ceiling, whilst bumbling through these and other obstacles in my general existence =p ....

(artwork created by Tim Sinfield)
I've made some progress on the forthcoming CLUB: WAMPY it'll be happening in 6 months time, I'm currently in talks with two venues, I've also e-mailed the booking agents I made connections with last time to make sure I'm ok to book through them and the response has been positive I just need dates now so the real work can begin. 

(picture taken from Seven Seals facebook page)
Last weeks Seven Seals gig was bloody awesome, I'm still screaming "Konichiwa, Konichiwa, Konichiwa" at the top of my voice when ever I'm alone. If you've never heard of them check them out on the link provided. If you like what you hear you can download their album and new demos for free, there is a donation button if your able.

(picture off the Blanks website)
Also this week went to see the Blanks. I thought it was great, really pleasant, that kind of atmosphere in Preston is dam rare. My lovely Chu(follow her blog) had an ace time she was the only one tall enough to see the band for the whole gig, me and a few uni mates are all vertically challenged so we were bobbing between the heads of the tall gits in front, haha.

Recently I've been working on a contemporary piece of music with my colleague Zanne. It is for the most part non-instrumental. The piece is for a skin graft documentary that is currently in production. We have so far sent the client a rough mix of the piece and received positive feedback, so in no time I'll have a link to the finished composition on here for you all to be bemused by, hehe.

(Me and Nick playing golf)
I've had some positive discussions about future long term projects. One of which is with the ever loving and faithful Nick Mccan, we have decided we are going to work together to come up with some material under the guise of Rampant Foetus. We have been steadily discussing the plans for some time now but have come to more constructive conclusion on how to ensure we can achieve more professional results.

(Me and Winst back in the day)
The next project is also in it's early stages of development,  me and the charming suave fiend that is Christian Winstanley intend to collaborate again. We are in the process of discussing aims for the project and recruiting other members.  

Right that's enough of this jibberish I'm gonna play some Nazi Zombies on COD do the washing up and then watch another cheap thrill b-movie delight. Well excited about the upcoming release of Hobo with a Shotgun


Wednesday 2 February 2011

the beginning of my wampy ramblings...

My name is Keeky Mikey.

I've set this up as a outlet to keep a record of what goes through my mind, a sort of visual representation of my research and experiences for the projects I'm working on.

Currently I'm starting work on a new CLUB: WAMPY event. This all started out during my college days in Kendal(2009) when the band I had joined got offered the opportunity to take on the local jam night at Dickie Doodles and make it our own. From this a few of us started to put on gigs and book our bands to play in more adventurous destinations.

(Poster design by Tim Sinfield)
Whilst in my first year of university in Derby (2010), me and some other debauched pioneers set up a band night that we held at a few different venues in Derby, getting bands from various locations around the U.K to play gigs gaining us valuable experience in events management.

(Poster design by Adam Marchant)
We wanted to step things up, go to the next level. We were contacting booking agents asking for prices for all sorts of bands. One band we got excited about was Chickenhawk but sadly due to contractual issues we couldn't book them. I went a bit daft and enquired how much it would cost to book the Butthole Surfers, £13K was a tad to much for us. Then we fell on our feet and confirmed Cookie Monsta, thanks to my partner in crime Calum Coleman. The event was going to be held at Bootleggers, it was set to be the stepping stone for us to move onto bigger projects.

That got cancelled due to financial problems, so basically I'm ready to try again. Now looking into location, acts, artists and equipment to get a new WAMPY event sorted out, more info asap.

(photo by Rachelle Bell)
As well as working on CLUB:WAMPY, I'm looking to develop a dedicated and committed band with like minded people. I have a lot of gigging experience and have enjoyed success in a few projects, as well as recently acquiring my grade 8 drums and currently in the 2nd year of my degree. I am involved in a couple of new bands at the moment but nothing is cemented, the most concrete position(apart from Rampant Foetus)I have is a position as drummer in an upcoming wedding and small events band.

Here's a few of my main influences below, if you know anyone in a similar position get em in contact with me;

Looking forward to this weekend where I am off to see the Seven Seals gig at the Brewery. And hopefully by next week I'll have made some progress on both WAMPY & new band, fingers crossed.
That's enough for this post lots of stuff to get done, off to watch;
(Maniac Cop, 1988)

Mikey =p